Cyberpunk United
Safety quick reference (v20240702)
This is a condensed version of the Players Handbook which brings together all of the information on safety into an easily referenced guide. You should always refer to the full Players Handbook in case of any questions, and to get the latest information.
The community oath that you signed when you began to attend CPU includes a few important points for safety: Most importantly we're all in this together, but let's go over a few items. If you witness any violations, report it to Staff. Players found violating this oath may be warned, suspended, or banned.
To encourage safety, CPU has some general restrictions on combat:
If you need accommodations for any health/safety reason, please reach out to Staff. We are happy to help create a unique solution for you.
If you witness an unsafe situation, call "Hold!". All players in the Scene must immediately stop what they are doing. Once the issue has been resolved, a player should ask, "Is there any reason for this hold to continue?" Once everyone is ready, that player should count back to game by saying, "Game on in 3, 2, 1, game on!"
You must use lightest touch for melee combat. Use as little force as possible to make solid contact. CPU is not a LARP for forceful, aggressive melee combat.
You can purchase premade boffers and shields or make your own. Boffers must be made out of foam with a rigid core, with all surfaces covered in foam if your opponent can come in contact with them. Shields may be made out of foam, plastic, or wood, with all edges of non-foam shields covered in foam. Boffers and shields must not have parts that can be unsafe, such as dangling bits, exposed hard materials, or sharp edges.
You must have your boffers and shields safety checked at every Simulation.
You may purchase premade blasters, modify them, and build your own as long as they follow these rules:
You must have your blaster safety checked at every Simulation.